Vida sencilla Verde

Vida sencilla Verde

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Simple Green Living E-course

Simple verde living – helping you to take one step at a time towards a natural green lifestyle. A FREE 7 month Ecourse to help you get your green lifestyle on track.

simple green livingI believe in mentorship…which is why I designed a 7 month FREE E-course to help you move towards a simple green lifestyle.

Each month you will get one email which will focus on a topic – from eco-friendly cleaning solutions to green fun or from growing as much of your own food as possible to raising green kids. Included in each email will be tasks for you to achieve as well as things for you to do and consider.

Why only one per month? I also believe in babysteps when implementing a change and sending one per month will give you time to implement a change in your home with ease before you receive the next tip.

So if you are looking for help in this area, do not hesitate – sign up on the form below today!

Remember to share this find with a friend! Help me get the word out about this fantastic free resource by sending an email to your friends with a link to this page

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