Vida sencilla Verde

Vida sencilla Verde

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About Your Simple Green Living Hostess

Find out more about your simple verde living hostess.

Hi, my name is Sarah Jones and I am a South African homeschooling mom to 4 children and have been very happily married for 20 years!

When it comes to vida verde, perhaps I should start telling you what I am not!

I am not a scientist, nor an eco warrior. I am not one who only wears natural fibres, has dreadlocks and lives in a community removed from the real world.

What I am is a woman who loves God, my family and nature. I want to hand onto my children a rich and varied enthusiasm for life and living. I want to equip them with the skills they need for a rapidly changing world.

I take my role as wife and homeschooling mother very seriously and part of this is caring for my family’s health. La forma más sencilla de hacerlo es mediante un estilo de vida verde orgánico natural, por lo que yo soy capaz. And I am at my happiest when we are together working in our vegetable garden

For years I have dreamt about living on a farm. We even made offers on two over the last 19 years and planned out our olive, goat and lavender business plans. But these plans and dreams never came to fruition.

One day, yes literally overnight, I woke up to thinking about what I already have around me instead of hankering after a farm. It was at this moment (about a year ago) that I realized that I need to stop living for the “what if” and “when” and live for the now.

To embrace self-sufficiency now instead of waiting another day, week or year.

Sufficiency says: “What I have right now is good enough!”

Therefore this became one of my mottos and what we have lived for a year. Still in the middle of a city, on the same 900 sq meters, but with a different outlook on life.

We grow our own vegetables, keep our own chickens, run a green home, leave a lighter footprint on our planet and smile at the end of the day as we have been good stewards with what we have!

So this site is for urbanites like me who like to call themselves urban homesteaders who want and enjoy a simple life, and who want to do what they can to leave a healthy earth to their children.

My goal at Simple Green Living is to help others embrace a eco-friendly lifestyle by making small changes over time.

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