Green Living Trend Growing in the Furniture Industry

By | February 17, 2014

Springville, UT (PRWEB) November 11, 2006

According to the latest news, there is a green revolution unfolding before our eyes. With the release of “The Inconvenient Truth” and a new focus on living 'green' (in an environmentally conscious manner), there is more attention than ever for the idea that people can make small changes that will impact the outcome of the environment's future. The United States is becoming more environmentally aware, more responsible, and more concerned about what will happen if changes are not made.

It seems that nearly everything has a green counterpart these days. From recycled paper to recycled cotton clothing, green furniture and gas-free cars, the world seems ready to take on the challenge of offsetting the twenty-two tons of carbon dioxide emissions each and every single human produces within the course of a year. 'Green' is becoming a trend of sorts; bringing in celebrity support as well as big names like ex-vice President Al Gore.

There are many benefits to buying and living green for the environment:

  • Reduction of waste

  • Reduction in landfills
  • Less deforestation for new wood used in furniture and construction
  • Less toxins required in manufacturing
  • Fewer carbon dioxide emissions

But many people can't see these changes occurring as they make the decision to buy green furniture, so they want the bigger picture.

How about:

  • Less ozone layer depletion

  • Lessened chance of global warming
  • Lessened chance of ice caps melting and water levels rising
  • Fewer toxins and pollution from producing new items

In terms of green furniture, manufacturers have come up with new and innovative ways of making furniture from recycled products – old buildings, warehouses and barns, for example. With all of the strength and durability of traditional furniture, but without the environmental impact, consumers are finding the switch to green isn't sending them to the Stone Ages, but rather into a new Modern way of living.

For those in the 'green' know, buying green furniture is the best way to stop the spread of deforestation and encourage the growth of new trees. This helps to contain the increasing carbon dioxide levels, even bringing them down to normal levels over time. This will lessen the effects of global warming and allow animals to stay in their forest homes, rather than be pushed out by progress.

Green living can become a part of anyone's life with a little research and creativity. From cleaning products to clothing, green furniture to green cars – “green” living is the next 'in' thing to do.

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