Simple Green Living

Simple Green Living


Raising Green Kids

Dedicated to help you with raising green kids, equipping you with your own skills so that you can pass them onto your children.

These pages on this website are dedicated to helping and equipping you, the parent, with going green ideas for kids, raising kids the green way, green gifts for kids as well as ways to assist you in teaching your children about green living.As with all things that involve teaching our children, they learn best through example and on going training in patience and love.

Live by example

To me, this is the most important factor in raising green kids. As with all things our children learn from living life alongside us. Yes, this means they pick up the bad with the good which is why we as parents need to walk a humble path as we continually choose to do the right thing – not only in the environment, but in the way we interact with our families, peers and colleagues.

As you, the parent, implement the ideas on my site, draw your children alongside you. Whether it is with recycling, growing vegetables, green car choices or changes you make in your home….never forget the power of a natural “drawing close” to your children.

Purposeful teaching

raising green kidsIn non conflict times, seek out ways to teach your children to love and protect this amazing heritage they have – the world that God created for us to live in.

You can read them books on nature conservation, talk to them about current affairs around climate change, even do some simple activities to help them understand creation better and what it means to be a steward of the earth.

Green baby care!
Start by taking a look at switching to cloth diapers and learning to make your own baby food.

If you aren’t ready to take the plunge and use cloth diapers, you might consider green diapers that have less toxic chemicals than mainstream diapers. Some are even biodegradable!

Got birthday’s coming up?

Green gifts for kids

Go Greener

Have you ever considered homeschooling your children? How is this about raising green kids? Think of all the things that your children are exposed to every day at school. All the different social vices, foods, schools of thought….Homeschooling allows you to raise your children according to your own value system and out of the system so that you can cater for your children’s learning styles, help them dig deep into their interests and be together as you journey through life. Visit for more info on homeschooling & good parenting advice & tips.




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Updated: July 10, 2014 — 12:31 am

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