Frugal Living Tips


by Natalie Rowles
(Pinetown KZN S.A.)

I sow half a packet of bush beans in the 80 litre black plastic tub (obtainable from PicknPay, Games etc. - paid about R60 for it a while ago - now nearly double in price). The drum was filled with 100% vermicompost to the top, and just pushing the beans into the soil as close as possible, ensures a fantastic bin full of beans (see photo) in a matter of about six weeks since planting - even in Winter!
To stop snails etc. eating the seedlings I placed 1 teaspoon of snail and cutworm bait inside a see-through peanut plastic bottle so the snails can crawl in - eat the bait - and stay inside the bottle without eating your crop - also the bait does not pollute your soil.
Once a month I removed the dead and replace the bait again after washing the bottle clean. Have a 100% success rate doing just that and your bait stays dry and a small packet lasts for years!

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Jun 04, 2012
Organic Snail Bait Solution
by: Anonymous

Hi Wendy

Thanks for the beer and sugar and yeast tips - will try it also on my beds as well to deter snails etc. attacking my emerging seedlings too.

Jun 03, 2012
Beer instead of bait?
by: Wendy

Hi Natalie
I always use beer or a sugar and yeast mix instead of snail bait. Perhaps this will work as well. Lovely crop!

Jun 02, 2012
First harvest of these beans in a tub
by: Natalie Rowles

I've picked last night the first crop of beans after sowing the bean seeds six weeks ago. I can only described the picked beans as perfect, no insect damage to beans or leaves, tasting sweet raw, and cooked had a lovely dark green colour and tasting fabulous, crunchy and sweet too.
I encourage gardeners to try this method and they will definitely not be disappointed and will continue using it throughout the year in Pinetown and surrounding areas.

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