Frugal Living Tips


by Natalie E. Rowles
(Pinetown KZN S.A.)

Coffee tin survival stove

Coffee tin survival stove

Coffee tin survival stove
Coffee tin survival stove
Natalie's own mini stove
My collapsible mini stove

Just for the fun of it, I've tried my hand in making a survival stove from a big coffee tin. After cutting a "window" a few centimeters away from the bottom side of the tin, I then drilled a row of small holes about 3 centimeters from the top of the open tin. The window allows me to place dried leaves, old bits of torn newspaper, pieces of bark etc. inside the tin to make a fire. The wire of an old coat hanger came in very handy to make a cross-over top for resting a cool drink can or a pot on to cook water or food after drilling four holes closer to the top edge of the tin for this purpose.

I then placed this "survival stove" on a brick so it will not cause an unexpected fire. Then I've placed the dried litchi leaves inside the window area of the tin and lit it with a match. The leaves caught fire quickly just like a fire lighter, and after placing a can with water on top of the "stove", boiled quickly in a matter of a few minutes.

Afterwards I've started on the stainless steel collapsible survival mini stove of which I've made five of, one I keep in the boot of my car with some old newspapers, a small container of cotton wool dipped in candle wax as a starter (you can use a bag of litchi leaves for the same purpose too), just in case I get stranded on a lonely road, in the winter time, perhaps in snow etc., so I can at least make myself a cup of hot coffee etc.

Anyone interested in buying one of the four extra mini stoves, I will let you have it at R250 plus postage. This mini stove will give years of service to campers, hikers, or just in case for survival in times of need.

So together with a torch, a jerry can of water, and my emergency first aid box, I feel more confident to travel on the roads now.

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