Frugal Living Tips


by Natalie Rowles
(Pinetown KZN S.A.)

Hyacinth - Air Freshner Plant

Hyacinth - Air Freshner Plant

Hyacinth - Air Freshner Plant

I've received a lovely small potplant recently and after placing it in my sunny bedroom, noticed that it was not doing so well there. I moved the Hyacinth to my bathroom and I was amazed how quickly it started to flower after placing it in the moisture-filled hot bathroom condition. (see photo).
As it flowers, it releases a delightful scented lingering perfume, which I thought could replace the air-freshners people usually buy.

Just imagine having these scented flowering potplants all over your home. It will save you quite a bit of money in the long run, and you can repot it into a bigger pot after flowering, whilst it's baby bulbs can be potted out into similar size pots as above.

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