How To Grow Cucumbers

By | June 30, 2014

Take your veggie garden vertical and learn how to grow cucumbers which are a climbing warm season vegetable which gives great yields.

As cucumbers are a trailing plant they take up lots of space, so in the home vegetable garden it is best to grow them up a trellis, frame or teepee structure.Cucumbers are warm season vegetables and are best sown in early summer/late spring when temperatures are in the 20 deg Celsius range. In sub tropical areas, you will need to grow cucumbers as a winter crop.

How to grow cucumbers – planting

Start preparing your planting area by digging in lots of well rotted organic matter and compost. You can sow the cucumber seed directly into the ground or you can start them off in spring in pots and transplant. When sowing directly sow 3 – 5 seeds in a clump in one hole. When they have germinated, pull out the weakest ones, leaving the stronger two. 

As the stems grow gently tie them with garden wire to your chosen support and pinch out the growing tips when you have a few true leaves. This encourages side branches to develop.

how to grow cucumbersIt is important to give your cucumbers abundant water in this growing time, but surface water only to prevent mildew from developing. If you do get mildew, consider using one of these organic remedies to combat it.

Long term care

When the plant begins to flower give it a high nitrogen liquid feed or some of your worm juice every three weeks.

Harvesting Cucumbers

After about 8 – 10 weeks from planting you can harvest your cucumbers. The plant is relatively fragile so do not tug the cucumber off, but rather use a sharp pair of secateurs to cut them off at the stalk.

Quick Notes

When to plant: Plant out or sow seed directly in early summer.

How many plants: 10 plants in succession.

How long to harvest: 8 – 10 weeks

Successive planting: Two plantings 6 weeks apart.


We love to make tzatziki with cucumbers and freshly made yoghurt and garlic.Simply grate a cucumber and allow the water to drain off. Mix with 2 cups of yoghurt and one crushed clove of garlic. This is great with pita breads and salads.

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