Lately I’ve had a lot of problems with small, black ants inside my home, around and inside my electric kettle, distiller and even in the butter dish. I may have inadvertently brought them inside the kitchen when placing my vegetables or herbs on the counter top.

In future I’ll have a big glass dish ready with water and salt in the sink and place my vegetables and herbs straight in it, rather than placing it on the counter top.

Whenever a plant has aphids on it, you’ll see the black ants in attendance, caring and “milking” the aphids for a sticky liquid. Very soon the whole plant as well as it’s closest neighbour starts to look sick and also gets covered by aphids and ants.

A strong spray from a hosepipe usually helps to get rid of the aphids for the time being, but it is an ongoing process too.

To stop the onset of ants and the spread of aphids in your garden, plant a low-growing Pennyroyal herb as a ground cover amongst the outer edges of your beds. The plant also acts as a living mulch keeping the moisture longer inside the beds, as it slowly starts to cover the whole bed.

Plants growing amongst the Pennyroyal seem to be healthy and free of ants, and the Pennyroyal does not seems to smother the plants either.
So give it a try and see for yourself if you can cope better with the Pennyroyal’s “invasion” than an ant invasion.

Growing Pennyroyal close to the kitchen steps as well as the front door, deter ants, mice, fleas, ticks and mosquitoes entering your home.

Pennyroyal also offers a beautiful and scented lawn area if grown in the sun and receiving enough water. will flower and attract bees to pollinate your vegetable and herbal plants as well.

A tea can be made from the Pennyroyal, but place a lid/saucer over the jug/teapot to prevent the oils from escaping. A spray bottle can then be filled with this “tea” which can then be sprayed on your counter tops to deter the ants going into everything that is on the counter.

Comments for

Organic pest control with penny royal
by: WendyHi Natalie

Thanks for this tip. My mom used to grow penny royal between stepping stones and when your feet crushed the little that grew over the stones, the air was full of its delightful fragrance – free aromatherapy!

I have just noticed that my lovely lemon tree has aphids again and will be sorting that out today!

A strong water jet will start the process, then a homemade spray of vinegar and lastly coffee grounds around the trunk.

Next time I am at the nursery I will pick up some penny royal too! Thanks!

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