Frugal Living Tips


by Natalie Rowles
(Pinetown KZN S.A.)

Cleaning the Distiller with vinegar

Cleaning the Distiller with vinegar

A few years ago I bought the above distiller for health reasons.
I was amazed by the muck it removed from the tap water and a tip I received by the salesman then,was to removed the built-up deposit of dirt every week/weeks by filling the distiller with the cheapest spirit vinegar on the market - a 5 litre bottle will do.

Leave the spirit vinegar for a couple of hours inside and then remove it - I use a 500 ml glass jug that makes it easy to get the vinegar out. Rinse it with fresh water to get the vinegar taste out of the distiller. (The spirit vinegar will keep in it's bottle, and remains effective for more than a year).
I was amazed how spotlessly clean the inside of the distiller looked.
(My dishcloth I use to wipe it clean, was filthy brown).

I am very satisfied with my distiller and make fresh drinking water every day - enough water for a family of four. It takes about 4 hours to distilled the water, but it is worth every cent spent on it, because I save pots of money by NOT buying any bottled water!
Not only I saved on the costs of bought bottled water, but also on sending hundreds of these empty plastic bottles yearly to the landfill site - so using my method etc. I thereby reduce my carbon footprint too!

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May 27, 2012
Lots of uses for vinegar
by: Wendy

Thanks for this, I am going to try it today. We use vinegar for many household uses but had never thought to use it in my distiller.

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